實驗物理 (I)(II)
授課系所:中央研究院 Molecular Science and Technology 國際研究生學程
[課程簡介] -
光學 (I)(II)
授課系所:中大物理系 (大三、大四選修共二學期)
[課程簡介] -
雷射物理與超快光學 (I)(II)
授課系所:中大物理系 (研究所選修)
[課程簡介] -
授課系所:中大物理系 (研究所選修)
Modern Experimental Techniques, Elective Course, credit: 2.
Time: 13:10–15:00 Wednesday, 10:10–12:00 Thursday
Room: IAMS R209
Course No.: TIGP722100
Course Outline:
1. Vacuum Technology
2. Optics , Lasers, and Detection
3. Basic Charged Particle Optics
4. Basic Electronics -
光學 (I)(II)
Outline of Optics (I)
- Geometrical optics
(1) Fermat’s principle
(2) ray tracing: matrix method
(3) GRIN systems and eikonal equation - Wave optics
(1) wave equation and Huygens’s principle
(2) harmonic waves and complex representation
(3) plane waves, spherical waves, and cylindrical waves - Electromagnetic optics
(1) Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves
(2) polarization and Jones vectors
(3) energy, momentum, and angular momentum
(4) reflection and refraction
(5) refractive index: Lorentz model
(6) anomalous dispersion and absorption
(7) conducting material - Birefringence
(1) anisotropic material
(2) Fresnel’s equation
(3) retarders
(4) optical activity and Faraday effect - Dispersion
(1) superposition of waves and Fourier transform
(2) optical pulse and chirp
(3) band-pass filtering and group-delay dispersion - Interference
(1) general consideration and double-slit interference
(2) Michelson and Mach-Zehnder interferometer
(3) interference by single and multilayer films
(4) multiple refraction and Fabry-Perot interferometer - Coherence
(1) temporal coherence
(2) collision-broadened light source
(3) power spectrum and temporal coherence
(4) measurement of temporal coherence: Michelson interferometer
(5) spatial coherence and double-slit interference
Outline of Optics (II)
- Diffraction
(1) from wave equation to Huygens’s principle: Kirchhoff diffraction theory
(2) paraxial approximation: Fresnel diffraction
(3) spatial Fourier transform and plane wave expansion
(4) lens and spatial filtering
(5) far-field approximation: Fraunhofer diffraction - Beam optics
(1) paraxial approximation and Gaussian beams
(2) properties of Gaussian beams
(3) propagation of Gaussian beams
(4) Bessel beams - Scattering
(1) Rayleigh scattering
(2) scattering due to density fluctuation
(3) acousto-optic effect
(4) Raman scattering - Optical waveguides
(1) optical fiber
(2) plasma waveguide
(3) hollow-fiber waveguide
(4) waveguide dispersion - Basic nonlinear optics
(1) Pockels effect (electro-optic effect)
(2) sum-frequency generation
(3) difference frequency genergation
(4) Kerr effect
(5) phase conjugation
(6) phase matching
(7) parametric amplification - Optical detection
(1) photomultiplier and multi-channel plate
(2) photodiode
(3) photo-resistor
(4) pyrometric detector
(5) charge-coupled device
(6) photographic film
(7) grating spectrometer
(8) homodyne and hetrodyne detection
(9) photon counting and shot noise - Introduction of laser
(1) Einstein’s theory of stimulated emission
(2) laser rate equations
(3) gas laser
(4) excimer laser
(5) solid-state laser
(6) semi-conductor laser
- Geometrical optics
雷射物理與超快光學 (I)(II)
Outline of Laser Physics and Ultrafast Optics (I)
- Photons and Radiation
- Quantum Theory of Radiation
- Interaction between Radiation and Matter
- Amplification of Light
- Optical Resonators
- Quantum Theory of Lasers
- Common Lasers
- Coherent Interaction with Two-Level Systems
Outline of Laser Physics and Ultrafast Optics (II)
- Laser Dynamics
- Pulse Propagation through Linear Media
- Active Mode-Locking
- Pulse Propagation through Nonlinear Media
- Passive Mode-Locking
- Amplifiers for Ultrashort Pulses
- Ultrafast Waveform Measurement
Outline of High-Power Laser Technology
- fundamental optics
- femtosecond oscillator
- chirped-pulse amplification
- application of ultrashort high-power lasers
舊版教材 (陳賜原老師授課)
Part I: 基礎光學 (Fundamental Optics)
Part II: 強場雷射技術 (High-field laser technology)
- 高強度雷射系統基本架構 [教材下載]
- 飛秒脈衝鎖模雷射振盪器 [教材下載]
- 載波波包相位控制 [教材下載]
- 雷射前級放大器(8通放大器)與雷射脈衝選擇器(清潔器) [教材下載]
- 雷射前級放大器(再生放大器) [教材下載]
- 雷射後級放大器(功率放大器)與空間濾波器 [教材下載]
- 雷射脈衝延展器與壓縮器、整體色散補償 [教材下載]
- 超快脈衝清潔器、轉頻器、與非線性效應控制 [教材下載]
- 整體電控與線上監控系統 [教材下載]
- 雷射時間波形控制與診斷 [教材下載]
- 雷射空間波形控制與診斷 [教材下載]
- 銣釔鋁石榴石雷射技術 [教材下載]
Part III: 附錄 (Appendix)
Outline of Laser-Plasma Physics
Part I: 雷射電漿交互作用 (Laser-plasma interaction)
- 電磁波在電漿中之傳播與電子在電磁波中之反應 [教材下載]
- 雷射電漿動力學 [教材下載]
- 強場電漿非線性光學 [教材下載]
- 電漿不穩定機制與電漿波激發 [教材下載]
- 電漿波之衰減 [教材下載]
- 雷射電漿基本控制與診斷技術 [教材下載]
Part II: 雷射電漿粒子與光子源 (Laser-plasma particle and photon sources)
- 電子加速器 [教材下載]
- 硬X光脈衝桌上型自由電子雷射 [教材下載]
- 中紅外光脈衝光源與兆赫茲脈衝光源 [教材下載]
- X光雷射 [教材下載]
- 高階諧波X光脈衝 [教材下載]
- 白光產生與深紫外光脈衝光源
- 質子加速器與中子脈衝源
參考資訊 [教材下載]