• 100-TW laser system

    • Home-made Ti:sapphire laser system, 10-Hz repetition rate.
    • Three parallel, synchronized beam lines.

    Major specifications:

    beam line first second third
    pulse energy 3.3 J 450 mJ 200 mJ
    central wavelength 810 nm 805 nm 870–920 nm
    bandwidth (FWHM) 35 nm 34 nm 35 nm
    duration (FWHM) 30 fs 34 fs 38 fs
    peak power 110 TW 13 TW 5 TW
    energy fluctuation 1.1% 1.8% 2.6%
    focusability (M2) 1.2 1.1 1.3
    enclosed energy 77% 81% 72%
    pointing fluctuation 4.5 μrad 4.8 μrad 4.7 μrad
    temporal contrast at -100 ps 4 × 10-10 2 × 10-9 2 × 10-9

    Block diagram:
    Block diagram of the NCU 100-TW laser system

    laser system photo 1

    laser system photo 2


  • Experimental Stations

    1. Station 1 (chamber layout):
      high-harmonic generation and its applications
    2. Station 2 (chamber layout):
      electron accelerator, ion-channel free-electron laser, and their applications
    3. Station 3 (chamber layout):
      electron accelerator, proton accelerator, and their applications
    4. Station 4 (chamber layout):
      laboratory astro-physics

    experimental stations photo 1

    laboratory photo
