Cross-facility absolute charge calibration of scintillating screens for laser wakefield accelerated beam diagnostic,
Chen-Wei Chiang, Ming-Chang Chou, An-Ping Lee, Yu-Qian Wang, Jhih-Jia Wang, Ming-Wei Lin, Wai-Keung Lau, and Shao-Wei Chou*,
Review of Scientific Instruments 95 (12), 123306 (2024). [link][reprint]
Formation and Microfilamentation of Spiral Density Waves in Plasmas Induced by Circularly Polarized Field Ionization,
C.-K. Huang*, C. Zhang, K. A. Marsh, C. Joshi, and J. Wang,
Physical Review Letters 133 (22), 225101 (2024). [link][reprint]
Enhanced pointing and charge properties of electron beams from few-TW laser wakefield acceleration with an asymmetric density profile in a sub-millimeter nitrogen gas jet,
D. K. Tran, P.-W. Lai, S.-W. Chou, C.-H. Pai, H.-H. Chu, S.-H. Chen, J. Wang, and M.-W. Lin*,
Physics of Plasmas 31 (10), 100703 (2024). [link][reprint]
Proof-of-principle experiment on quasi-phase matching of high-order harmonic generation via the selected-zoning method with a transverse disruptive pulse,
Yao-Li Liu, Shin-Chi Kao, Yi-Yong Ou Yang, Zhong-Ming Zhang, Chih-Hao Pai, and Hsu-hsin Chu*,
Optics Express 32 (23), 40620–40628 (2024). [link][reprint]
Subnanosecond 1.3-µm laser for generating picosecond pulses in the long-wavelength infrared range,
Ya-Po Yang*, Jheng-Yu Lee, Feng-Yen Su, Hsu-hsin Chu, and Jyhpyng Wang,
Applied Physics B 130 (10), 178 (2024). [link][reprint]
Numerical experiment of phase-matched ion-based high-order harmonic generation in the water-window x-ray spectral region via electromagnetic envelope equation,
Yao-Li Liu*, Ying-Shan Chen, Shih-Hung Chen, and Hsu-hsin Chu,
Optics Express 32 (13), 23469–23484 (2024) [link][reprint]
Isolated-attosecond-pulse high-order harmonic generation of keV x rays,
Hsu-hsin Chu* and Jyhpyng Wang,
Physical Review A 109, 053511 (2024) [link][reprint]
Energetic picosecond 10.2-μm pulses generated in a BGGSe crystal for nonlinear seeding of terawatt-class CO2 amplifiers,
Ya-Po Yang*, Jheng-Yu Lee, and Jyhpyng Wang,
Optics Express 32, 11182 (2024) [link][reprint]