Basic ability and knowledge of a freshman




  1. 文書處理(LaTeX, MS Word)
  2. 投影片製作(MS PowerPoint)
  3. 資料庫操作(MS Access)
  4. 電子試算表(MS Excel)
  5. 數學輔助計算軟體(Matlab, Mathematica, Mathcad)
  6. 電腦繪圖(CorelDRAW, Igor Pro, Origin, Noesys Transform, AutoCAD)
  7. 儀器控制(NI LabVIEW)

II、機械加工(參考資料1 2)





lasers, oscilloscopes, lock-in amplifiers, AD/DA converters, optical multichannel analyzers, computer-controlled translational stages, spectrum analyzers, CCD cameras, photo diode detectors, autocorrelators, etc.


  1. 光電常識(參考資料14)
  2. 雷射(參考資料5 6 7 8 9)
  3. 光學元件(參考資料10)
  4. 電子學(參考資料11)


  1. Fortran 程式設計(參考資料3 4)


  1. 一般文件(參考資料12)
  2. 科技論文(參考資料13)


  1. 1. J. H. Moore, C. C. Davis, M. A. Coplan, “Building Scientific Apparatus” (Addison-Wesley)
  2. 劉正良,”機械工廠實習及安全” (大中國圖書公司)
  3. T. M. R. Ellis, I. R. Philips, and T. M. Lahey “Fortran 90 Programming” (Addison-Wesley)
  4. W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, “Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 and Fortran 90” (Cambridge University Press)
  5. Joseph T. Verdeyen, “Laser Electronics” (Prentice-Hall).
  6. Walter Koechner, “Solid-State Laser Engineering” (Springer-Verlag)
  7. P. W. Milonni and J. H. Eberly, “Lasers” (John Wiley & Sons)
  8. Anthony E. Siegman, “Lasers” (University Science Books)
  9. Kelin J. Kuhn, “Laser Engineering” (Prentice Hall)
  10. Melles Griot Optics Guide
  11. Horowitz and Hill, “The Art of Electronics” (Cambridge University Press)
  12. D. Daiker, A. Kerek, M. Morenberg, and J. Sommers, “The Writer’s Options” (HarperCollins)
  13. 方克濤(C. J. Fraser),”英文科技寫作”
  14. B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, “Fundamentals of Photonics” (John Wiley & Sons) Chapter 1-6, 9, 12-14, 19.



新進人員必備電腦基本使用及物理及數學基本知識, 電腦技術及進階知識可以參加暑期學校訓練或是另行安排訓練課程補足:

  1. 電腦技術: Linux作業系統基本指令1(包括程式編輯, 程式編譯與程式執行等), 程式語言2 (C, C++或FORTRAN), 科學繪圖3 (Grapher, Origin, MATFOR, IDL等)。
  2. 基本知識: 應用數學, 電磁學, 數值分析。
  3. 進階知識: 電漿物理4, Finite Difference Time Domain method5, 電漿電腦模擬6, 流體模擬7, 以及平行計算8


  1. Programming with GNU Software, M. Loukides and A. Oram, O’Reilly and Associates Inc. (2000).
  2. Practical C++ Programming (2nd Ed.), S. Oualline, O’Reilly and Associates Inc. (2003).
  3. An Introduction to Programming with IDL, K. P. Bowman, Elsevier Inc. (2006).
  4. Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2nd Ed.), Francis F. Chen, Springer (2006).
  5. Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method, Dennis M. Sullivan, Wiley-IEEE Press (2000).
  6. Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation, C. K. Birdsall and A. B. Langdon, Taylor & Francis (2004).
  7. Computational Fluid Dynamics, J. D. Anderson, McGraw-Hill (1995).
  8. Using MPI (2nd Ed.), William Gropp, Ewing Lusk , Anthony Skjellum, The MIT Press (1999).