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PhD Theses
- Chi-Hsiang Yang 楊棨翔 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Single-Shot Intensity Waveform Measurement of Ultrashort Extreme-UV Pulses [Download]
- Te-Sheng Hung 洪德昇 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen and Hsu-hsin Chu)
Construction of a 100-TW laser system and application to a structured plasma waveguide [Download]
- Yen-cheng Ho 何彥政 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Induction of electron injection and X-ray generation in a plasma-waveguide-based laser wakefield electron accelerator [Download]
- Ping-Hsun Lin 林秉勳 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen and Jiunn-Yuan Lin)
Development of Multi-Line and Seeded Waveguide-Based Soft X-Ray Lasers [Download ]
- Chih-Hao Pai 白植豪 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang and Szu-yuan Chen)
Development of High-Field Plasma Photonic Devices [Download]
- Yen-Mu Chen 陳彥穆 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang and Szu-yuan Chen)
Pulsed Particle and Photon Sources Based on Laser Interaction with Condensed Matter [Download]
Ming-Chang Chou 周明昌 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Experimental Study of Optical-Field-Ionization Collisional-Excitation Soft X-Ray Lasers [Download]
- Hsu-hsin Chu 朱旭新 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang)
Construction of a 10-TW Laser of High Coherence and Stability and Its Application in Laser-Cluster Interaction and X-Ray Lasers [Download]
- Tai-Wei Yau 姚台煒 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang)
Measurement of Ultrafast Waveform [Download]
Master Theses
- Kai-Xiang Li 李凱翔 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Diagnosing laser propagation in gas-filled capillary waveguide for high-order harmonic generation [Download]
- Jia-Wen Gu 古佳文 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Development of the Frequency-Domain Interferometry for the Research of Laser-Driven High-Order Harmonic Generation [Download]
- Ying-Shan Chen 陳盈珊 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Numerical Simulation of Ion-Based Water-Window High-Harmonic Generation [Download]
- Chun-Cheng Chu 朱峻成 (advisor: Shao-Wei Chou)
Generation of Monoenergetic Electron Beam by Shock Front in Laser Wakefield Accelerator [Download]
- Chi-Hsien Chou 周季賢 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
High-Harmonic Generation beyond the Traditional Phase-Matching Cutoff Energy [Download]
- Ou Yang, Yi-Yong 歐陽義詠 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Measurement of the phase-matching condition of high-order harmonic generation [Download]
- Zhong Ming Zhang 張中鳴 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Preliminary Experiment of EUV-NIR Four-Wave-Mixing [Download]
- Yau-Hsin Hsieh 謝耀新 (advisor: Rong-Seng Chang and Hsu-hsin Chu)
Construction of a Ti:sapphire Ring Regenerative Laser Amplifier [Download]
- Tzu-Yao Huang 黃子耀 (advisor: Yasuhiro Kuramitsu and Hsu-hsin Chu)
Global and local measurements of collisionless shock waves in laser produced plasmas [Download]
- Tzu-Hsiang Huang 黃子翔 (advisor: Yasuhiro Kuramitsu and Hsu-hsin Chu)
Nonthermal electron acceleration due to a wakefield induced by an intense laser [Download]
- Tai-Yu Chen 陳泰佑 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin)
Development of Soft X-ray Frequency Modulator with Surface Plasmonic Device [Download]
- Shih-Cheng Liu 劉士誠 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Optimization of the High Harmonic Generation Phase-Matching Condition with Different Pump Wavelengths [Download]
- Shu-Hao Wu 吳書豪 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin)
Coherent diffraction imaging with soft X-ray laser [Download]
- Bo-Han Huang 黃柏翰 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Eumelanin Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Grown with Matrix-assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation [Download]
- Shao-tsung Huang 黃少聰 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang and Szu-yuan Chen)
Construction of THz-pulse characterization tools [Download]
- Chia-Hao Kan 甘家豪 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Iron-catalyzed Growth of Carbon Film with Pulsed Laser Deposition [Download]
- Liang-Yin Chen 陳亮吟 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Growth of Carbon Support for Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel Cell by Pulsed-Laser Deposition (PLD) [Download]
- Jun-Guan Jhou 周君冠 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen and Jyhpyng Wang)
Enhancement of X-ray pulse production from betatron oscillation of the electron bunch in a plasma-waveguide-based laser wakefield accelerator by modification of the waveguide structure [Download]
- Ching-min Yu 余慶旻 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin)
Nanofocusing of soft X-ray laser pulses with Fresnel zone plate and its applications [Download]
- Siang-Tai Su 蘇湘太 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Using Pulsed Laser Deposition for Growing TiO2 Mesoporous Films with Structures Optimized for Increasing the Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells [Download]
- Yi-Che Chang 張益哲 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen and Jyhpyng Wang)
Catalyst synthesis, assembly and characterization of proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells [Download]
- Juang-Han Chiue 闕壯翰 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Control of the crystallinity of carbon films grown with pulsed laser deposition by using another laser pulse for synchronous laser processing [Download]
- Jia-lin Huang 黃家麟 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Feasibility study of the control of the size distribution of Ge/Si quantum dots grown with pulsed laser deposition by laser pre-processing of the substrate [Download]
- Min-sheng Wei 魏敏生 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Development of Mössbauer spectrometer and it’s application to characterization of FeCO3 film [Download]
- Chien-Hung Liao 廖健宏 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang)
Design of high dynamic range third-order autocorrelator and verification [Download]
- Shih-Chi Kao 高仕麒 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Construction of a Beat‐Wave Pulse Train for Quasi‐Phase‐Matched High‐Harmonic Generation [Download]
- Hao Chen 陳昊 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Phase-matched high-harmonic generation in extreme ultraviolet range [Download]
- Ying-Li Chang 張穎力 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Controlled electron injection in a plasma-waveguide-based laser wakefield accelerator by implementation of a density down ramp [Download]
- Ruei-En Li 李睿恩 (advisor: Sung Ping Szu and Szu-yuan Chen)
Development of single-shot terahertz waveform analyzer [Download]
- Huanting Lin 林煥庭 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Preparation and characterization of YBCO high-temperature superconducting thin films [Download]
- Chia-min Kuo 郭家民 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Characterization of the pulse duration of high harmonic generation by Laser-assisted photoelectric effect [Download]
- Cheng-Shuan Wong 翁正軒 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Pulsed laser deposition of FeCO3 single crystal thin film [Download]
- Kun-ta Tsai 蔡昆達 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Verification of melanin function as a light activated ROS scavenger [Download]
- Chih-Jian Tung 童智堅 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Resolving the origin of the dependence of eumelanin film conductivity on water content and identifying the carrier [Download]
- Jie-Shin Chen 陳潔心 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Growth of novel micro-structured carbon thin films by using ultrashort-pulse laser [Download]
- Cheng-en Jiang 江承恩 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Growth of Ge/Si thin film with ultrashort pulse laser deposition and its study [Download]
- Anhao Hung 洪安豪 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Eumelanin-Sensitized TiO2 Photoelectrode and its Application in Hydrogen Generation by Photo-catalytic Water Splitting [Download]
- Jih-Ming Lin 林志明 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Development of terahertz generation and waveform analyzer in a 1-TW laser system [Download]
- Ming-jhe Jiang 江銘哲 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Melanin-Sensitized Solar Cell [Download]
- Pei-shiu Tsai 蔡沛修 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Measurement of electron density and magnetic field in laser-produced plasma plume by using pump-and-probe techniques [Download]
- Chi-yu Yeh 葉啟宇 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Pulsed laser deposition of FeBO3 thin films [Download]
- Po-chang Tseng 曾柏彰 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Resolving the electronic property of hydrated eumelanin film [Download]
- Guo-chuan Hong 洪國川 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Development of Confocal Raman and Fluorescence Microscopy and its Application on Material Characterization [Download]
- Lih-yuarn Ou 歐瀝元 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Study of laser-assisted photoelectric effect on Pt(111) surface [Download]
- Pu Wang 王 璞 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Preliminary Experiment for the Control of Cluster Vibration [Download]
- Li-Chung Ha 哈立忠 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang)
Production of Mid-Infrared Pulses from Plasma Bubbles in the Laser Wakefield Electron Accelerator [Download]
- Shiau-Ting Huang 黃筱庭 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Construction of THz-pulse characterization tools [Download]
- Chi-Yun Cheng 鄭琪勻 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Using x-ray laser pulse to detect nanoplasma oscillation induced by ionizing argon cluster by infrared laser pulse [Download]
- Zong-Han Xie 謝宗翰 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang)
Three Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Relativistic Laser-Plasma Interactions [Download]
- Yun-chin Tsou 鄒昀晉 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Ultrafast magnetization reversal with circularly polarized pulse laser and time resolvedpump-probe technique [Download]
- Ching-hung Lin 林璟鴻 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Diagnostics and applications of ultrashort pulsed laser ablation/deposition [Download]
- Na-Chi Hsu 許娜琦 (advisor: Woei-Chyn Chu and Szu-yuan Chen)
Study of photothermolysis of eumelanin from sepia officinalis by laser [Download]
- Ruei-Peng Yang 楊瑞鵬 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Development for quasi-phase-matched high-order harmonic generation by using a counterpropagated optical beat wave [Download]
- Shih-Jie Wong 翁士傑 (advisor: Hsu-hsin Chu)
Studying of Ar Cluster Ionization Levels by X-Ray Laser Photoelectron Spectroscopy [Download]
- Ru-Ping Huang 黃茹苹 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin)
Digital holographic microscopy with soft X-ray laser [Download]
- Chih-ping Yen 嚴治平 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Photonuclear activation of nuclide with bremsstrahlung radiation from laser-driven electron beam [Download]
- Wei-Tzeng Yu 余威徵 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Ultrafast Magnetic Switching by a Circularly Polarized 800-nm pump pulse [Download]
- Cheng-Cheng Kuo 郭政誠 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang, Chi-Kuang Sun, and Szu-yuan Chen)
Enhancement of relativistic harmonic generation by an optically preformed periodic plasma waveguide [Download]
- Cheng-Yu Lin 林政宇 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen)
Development of Multi-species cluster jet and Cryogenically cooled cluster jet [Download]
- Shun-Jie Hung 洪舜傑 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Production of a few-cycle laser pulse by super-continuum generarion and spectral phase compensation [Download]
- Kun-Sheng Tsai 蔡坤昇 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Hsu-hsin Chu)
Construction of an Ultra-Broad Preamplifier of a100-TW Ultra-Short Pulse Laser System [Download]
- Pei-fen Tsai 蔡佩芬 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin, Szu-yuan Chen, and Hsu-hsin Chu)
Improvement of the Temporal Contrast of High-Power Laser Pulses by Cross-Polarized-Wave-Generation Technique [Download]
- Chi-an Lin 林祈安 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Increasing plasma waveguide production efficiency in H2 gas jet by cryogenically cooling the gas jet [Download]
- Ming-Yu Hsu 徐明裕 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Generation of MeV proton beam from laser-foil interaction [Download]
- Yen-shuo Chen 陳延碩 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Development of frequency-domain holography [Download]
- Ting-Yei Chien 簡廷岳 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang and Szu-yuan Chen)
An Electron-Injector for Laser-Plasma Accelerators [Download]
- Hai-En Tsai 蔡海恩 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang and Szu-yuan Chen)
The Preliminary Development of X-Ray Lasers Driven in Plasma Waveguides [Download]
- Yen-Mu Chen 陳彥穆 (advisor: Szu-yuan Chen and Jiunn-Yuan Lin)
Dynamics of Laser-cluster Interaction [Download]
- Chien-Ming Huang 黃健銘 (advisor: Jiunn-Yuan Lin and Szu-yuan Chen)
Tomography of a Laser Wakefield Accelerator [Download]
- Wei-Ting Chen 陳威廷 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang, Fu-Goul Yee, and Szu-yuan Chen)
Development of An All Optical Laser-Plasma Accelerators [Download]
- Yee-Fang Xiao 蕭一方 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang, Szu-yuan Chen, and Chien-Te Chen)
Efficient Generation of Plasma Waveguides with the Axicon Ignitor-Heater Scheme [Download]
- Yu-hsin Chen 陳聿昕 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang)
Time-Resolved Measurement of Laser-Plasma Interaction [Download]
- Chia-Jen Hsu 徐家仁 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang)
Dispersion Compensation in a Ten-Terawatt Ultrashort Pulse Laser System [Download]
- Chin-wen Chou 鄒景文 (advisor: Jyhpyng Wang)
Construction and applications of an ultrashort pulse laser regenerative amplifier